Harrisburg Happening

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

PennLive Censors

I posted a question about verboten postings last evening, and it is, of course, gone. What shall we do next? I'm going to try an As I See It article (they published one I wrote on med mal a year ago) and see if they take it.


Blogger Anniken Davenport, Esquire said...

The thing that really has me puzzled is that if they are trying to build readership, why would they discourage posting by some?
This is the pattern I see:

1. They remove posts that take a jab at Jason, but let him incessantly tout Harrisburg 2.0 (I haven't noticed those posts removed. Has anyone?)

2. They remove any post that asks about posting policy

3. They remove any post that questions the ethics of the delition policy

The question is why?

February 28, 2006  
Blogger Anniken Davenport, Esquire said...

Ironically, if they are looking to boost posting, the effect is the opposite. Not much happening on the Harrisburg forum today . .. or yesterday

February 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's because Jason Smith is out of town.

Check back in a day or so when he returns and note how many people miraculously return with him....

February 28, 2006  
Blogger Anniken Davenport, Esquire said...

You may be right. But does that mean that the censor loves Jason and just does not want anyone to beat up on him?

February 28, 2006  

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