Harrisburg Happening

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The shrinking newspaper market

Looks like there may soon be even fewer newspapers in PA. See the following article on a coming chain sale: http://nytimes.com/2006/03/12/business/media/13knight.web.html?ei=5094&en=69f43cc8c917143f&hp=&ex=1142226000&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print

Here's the note on Pennsylvania

"While the Knight Ridder papers are profitable, some are more troubled than others and could be a drag on McClatchy's bottom line. Analysts speculate that the company could shut down The Philadelphia Daily News and possibly sell The Inquirer, since the business climate in Philadelphia is sluggish and the papers face tough competition from a ring of suburban dailies. On the other hand, they say, The Inquirer generates a lot of cash, something McClatchy will need as it goes into debt to pay for Knight Ridder."


Blogger Anniken Davenport, Esquire said...

I can't post

March 14, 2006  
Blogger Anniken Davenport, Esquire said...

Yes, that should keep him pretty busy, I would imagine. I do have another theory - there are two anons, working separately. One is our Milton and the other one is whoever is in charge of the New Jersey forums mentioned in the article that had the link to our blog.

March 14, 2006  

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