Harrisburg Happening

Friday, September 22, 2006

Courthouse decision delayed

September 22, 2006

Dear Community Member,

In an ongoing effort to communicate major developments regarding the new U.S. Courthouse in Harrisburg project, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has some information to share with you. We expected to announce the selection of a final site by the end of the summer, but must now inform you that the decision has been delayed.

As you know, the Regional Administrator has received the Site Selection Board's recommendation that the 6th & Verbeke site is the preferred alternative. The Regional Administrator is in the process of reviewing the comments received during the 6th & Verbeke site community meeting and the recent calls and letters received from those on the site. In addition, the Regional Administrator is in the process of reviewing a number of project studies, evaluations, reports and other related documents. These documents contain information on all three sites and must be fully examined before a final decision is made. A careful and informed decision will be made once all of the information has been thoroughly reviewed.

We will continue to provide you with updates on the project. Thank you for your interest and support. Please feel free to share this information with others who may be interested in this project.


Abigail Low
Project Manager
GSA Public Buildings ServiceMid-Atlantic Region

Monday, September 18, 2006

More taxes, higher water bills, oh my oh my

Well, they are at it again - threatening to hold us hostage with taxes or decreased services. Hey Reed - how about a special tax on all the revelers. They'd never notice another 50 cents added to the cover charge.

What galls me most is probably the sewer/water increases. All of us who bought efficient low water toilets and washers and dishwashers, we will be paying more because we dared use less. Some incentive.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Good to Be Back

and see that nothing has changed. Last week, Mayor Reed led the announcement of a new hotel project at Second and State. It was to be privately financed and built quickly. But alas, a detail was left out - current zoning doesn't allow a hotel at that location. Now the developer says unless he gets the zoning law changed by late October, the project is dead.

Yessiree, folks, it is another example of a press release and plans with nothing behind it.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More censorship

I have now officially given up on PennLive Forums. Despite promises from Steve Ibanez, the Pennlive Editor, posts have lately been aggressively censored. As of today, I will no longer visit, read or post on the forums.